Pasco County Fair 2020
At Pasco County Fair 2020 We are proud to report that Green Tooth Farm managed to grab a few ribbon for both the rabbits and the exhibitors!
I personally got; 3rd place in the "decorated rabbit contest". 1st place in "skillithon" ( senior age group). 1st place in "showmanship" ( senior age group). And first place over all exhibitor of the senior age group
My brother got; 1st place "skillithon" (intermediate age group). 1st place "showmanship" (intermediate age group). and 3rd place over all exhibitor (intermediate age group).
And one of our rabbits (my mini rex) even got 2nd reserve (third place). my other rabbit a rex got best of breed. Plus, my brothers silver fox also got best of breed.
26 February 2020
"Does A Buck Or Doe Rabbit Make A Better Pet?" Feb, 2020
Buck: A male rabbit.
Doe: A female rabbit.
One of the most asked question of people looking to get a pet rabbit is "Does a male or female rabbit make a better pet". In this post I will do my best to list the pros and cons of both.
Most people want doe (female) rabbits as pets, however most experienced rabbit raisers will suggest that bucks (males) make better pet and I am inclined to believe that after raising both bucks and does.Here are some of the biggest "lies" that people believe about buck rabbits.
1) Mad as a March Hare: Most people think bucks are more crazy and wilder than does, this of course depends on the rabbit. Yes, most bucks tend to be a bit more hyper when set down but, the also tend to be calmer than does when their being held.
2) Bighting/nipping: While some people think that bucks are more prone to bighting and nipping than does. This is not even close to the truth! Agian it all depends on the rabbit But, bucks actualy have a better tolarance than does which makes them better pets for kids.
3) Destractiveness: Yes, buck tend to be more more adventerus and easly distracted than most does. But, they also are usaly more attentive and are usialy more lovey.
Mabey you don't care about those trates listed above. and you still have your mind set on a doe. Here are the biggest lies about doe rabbits.
1) messier: No does are usaily not messier than bucks infact some poeple aruge that does are claner and not as wastefull becouse they don't ted to dig in the dirt or in their food bolw as much.
2) Victous to other rabbits: Although does can be victous towards other does and some times even towards buck, they can bond with other does and live together in hormony while two bucks very very rarely get along together, and if you put a buck and a doe together they will, well multiply like rabbits.
3) Lack of personality: This is not at all true! Buck do have more personality true, but does have a lot of personality too from sweet and loving to hyper, calm, and some times even mischievous.
Now that we have cleared some of the rabbit mythes I will list some of the pros and cons of bucks and does.
Pros Cons
Bucks: lovey Bucks: over lovey/spraying
Does: Bonding W/other rabbits Does: Taritorial
Bucks: Persanality Bucks: exploring paces you don't want him in
Does: Clenlness Does: can get agervated if wants to breed
Bucks: bonding with owner(s) Bucks: doesn't get along with other bucks
Does: Persanality Does: not as attentive as bucks
20 February 2020